the coMMune Kids Club Policy.

We have created a beautiful, fun and safe space for our little people to play and connect, while Mum/Dad gets a workout in. 

The coMMune kids club is available to children of our members. It is professionally supervised at the 9.15am weekday classes but remains open and available for children in the other timeslots, with the responsibility of passive supervision remaining the parents.

To ensure that the coMMune Kids Club is fun and safe for all, and remains well looked after, we request that the following rules are observed: 

  • Please ensure you book all your children into 9:15 Kids Club for the sessions that they will be present. This helps our staff prepare for the day. If you need to cancel your 9:15 session and have children booked for Kids Club, please cancel their bookings too. 

  • The Kids Club room remains accessible to children of members during other timeslots, however it will be unsupervised. We ask that, in these times, the door always remains open and you make it your responsibility to pop your head in and check on your children once or twice during your session to make sure they are doing okay! 

  • Please ensure your child has a freshly changed nappy or goes to the toilet on arrival. If nappy changes or toilet trips are required during class time, our Kids Club staff will ask for you to take a moment to attend to your child/ren.  

  • If bringing food to Kids Club, please pack dry snacks only. 

  • If your child/ren become sick, we ask that you cancel their 9:15am Kids Club sessions and do not attend with your child in other timeslots until they are well again, including restriction times imposed by NSW Health relating to exclusions from school/preschool.

  • If your child/ren become sick or inconsolable during a session, please understand our Kids Club staff may ask you to take a minute to attend to them. 

  • With their upmost safety in mind, our Kids Club members are strictly not allowed out on the gym floor. We ask that you accompany your child/ren directly to and from Kids Club and never leave them unsupervised in the gym. 

Thank you! Your understanding and cooperation means that we can continue to give value to our incredible coMMunity and your families!

The Commune Health and Fitness - ABN 26 174 670 879